Spiritual Guidance
To bring up a holistic developed children Fr Constantinos holds guidance and counseling sessions with the kids. Similarly He celebrates Divine liturgy at the mission center thrice per week to ensure that these children walk the Sacramento life according to Orthodox Faith.
Baptism is the most important moment of one’s life. It’s the moment when they leave the delusion of idols and the world and they enter the family of God, they become children of the Most High.
This is the commandment given by our Lord Jesus Christ to his disciples, before he ascended to heaven:
Go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
Obedient to His word, the Orthodox missionaries visit unknown places to preach, catechize those who will believe in the gospel and baptize them.

Donating to St. Irene Orthodox Mission means you make lives better for vulnerable children at St Irene Orthodox Mission & Orphanage in Kenya. We are proud that 92.8 percent of donations go straight to supporting our service projects.. Your financial help makes all this happen, and more. LEFT: The Newly built St Irene Orthodox Mission Chapel.