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So far Admin has created 76 blog entries.

Shine on your Way Bishop Athanasios Akunda

Shine on your Way Bishop Athanasios Akunda His Grace Bishop Athanasios Akunda of Kisumu and all Western Kenya of the Greek Orthodox Alexandrian Patriarchate has entered eternal rest. He passed away at the St. Vincent Hospital, Worcester Massachusetts, the USA after battling a severe illness. He has been a leader. He preached of our obligation to the [...]

By |2020-01-09T16:18:14+03:00January 7th, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Shine on your Way Bishop Athanasios Akunda

Lessons from the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man 

Lessons from the parable of  Lazarus and the Rich Man What is your attitude toward wealth and possessions? Through one of His parables, Jesus Christ showed that our attitudes toward such things can have eternal consequences. What happens to a rich person who loves his money more than his neighbor and laughs at those less well off? [...]

By |2020-01-09T16:18:15+03:00November 4th, 2018|Orthodox Faith|Comments Off on Lessons from the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man 

EXCELLENT WONDERFUL: Dive to 250 meters deep, in the presence of the bishops, they found water (VIDEO: “I got rid of the donkey carriage.”)

Yesterday, August 1, 2018, the Orthodox Mission Center and St. Irina Orphanage had extensive drilling work on a deep well. Up to now, water supplies were made from a 20-kilometer-long river, but neither the quality of the water nor the quantity they needed could be permanently secured. The water spring was found at a depth of 250 meters by [...]

By |2018-09-05T13:17:24+03:00September 5th, 2018|Orthodox Faith, St. Irene Mission, Water Supply|Comments Off on EXCELLENT WONDERFUL: Dive to 250 meters deep, in the presence of the bishops, they found water (VIDEO: “I got rid of the donkey carriage.”)

Săpând la 250 de metri adâncime, în prezența episcopilor, au găsit apă (VIDEO: “Am scăpat de cărăușia cu măgărușii.”)

Ieri, 01 august 2018, la Centrul Misionar Ortodox si Orfelinatul Sfânta Irina au avut loc lucrări ample de forare a unui puț de mare adâncime. Până în prezent, aprovizionarea cu apă se făcea de la un râu aflat la 20 de kilometri de institut, însă nici calitatea apei și nici cantitatea de care aveau nevoie nu puteau [...]

By |2018-09-05T13:11:26+03:00September 5th, 2018|St. Irene Mission, Water Supply|Comments Off on Săpând la 250 de metri adâncime, în prezența episcopilor, au găsit apă (VIDEO: “Am scăpat de cărăușia cu măgărușii.”)

Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa was in Kenya on Sunday: Toiag Archdiocese Pointing to Heaven

In the last few days, His Beatitude Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria and All Africa was on a pastoral visit to three dioceses in Kenya. Donate Now On August 19, 2018, His Beatitude, Patriarch Teodor II, visited His Eminence Macarie, Archbishop of Nairobi, PS Aktona, Bishop of Kisumu and PS Neofit, Bishop of Nyeri and [...]

By |2020-01-09T16:18:15+03:00August 28th, 2018|Orthodox Faith|Comments Off on Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa was in Kenya on Sunday: Toiag Archdiocese Pointing to Heaven

Patriarhul Alexandriei și al Întregii Africi s-a aflat duminică în Kenya: Toiag Arhieresc îndreptat spre cer

În ultimele zile, Preafericitul Părinte Patriarh Teodor al II-lea al Alexandriei și al Întregii Africi s-a aflat într-o vizită pastorală, în trei eparhii din Kenya. Donează acum Duminică, 19 august 2018, Preafericirea Sa, Patriarhul Teodor al II-lea, a vizitat alături de ÎPS Părinte Macarie, Arhiepiscop de Nairobi, PS Părinte Akunda, Episcop de Kisumu și PS [...]

By |2020-01-09T16:18:15+03:00August 28th, 2018|Orthodox Faith|Comments Off on Patriarhul Alexandriei și al Întregii Africi s-a aflat duminică în Kenya: Toiag Arhieresc îndreptat spre cer

Borehole Drilling a Dream Come True

Borehole Drilling a Dream Come True Borehole at St Irene Orthodox Mission Center and Orphanage. Water is Life and this is the way we could display God's love in dedicating the water well to the kids at the orphanage and needy community around us where people have no access to get enough water to cater [...]

By |2020-01-09T16:18:15+03:00August 12th, 2018|Water Supply|Comments Off on Borehole Drilling a Dream Come True

Celebrating the name day of Saints Constantine and Helen!

Today is Constantine's and Hellen's Name Day May 21st is the name day of Saint Constantine and Saint Helen. Saint Helen was born inDhrepanon of Bithynia in Asia Minor, in the mid-3rd century A.D. She was the mother of Constantine the Great. Constantine the Great was a Roman Emperor and the first Emperor of Byzantium, who solidified the freedom of [...]

By |2020-01-09T16:18:15+03:00May 21st, 2018|Orthodox Faith|Comments Off on Celebrating the name day of Saints Constantine and Helen!

Flooding in Kenya – Buying Gumboots for the Kids

Flooding in Kenya - Situation at the Mission Center As of 10th May, 2018, Floods have displaced over 211,000 people across Kenya and reportedly killed 72 people. We have been encountering challenges at St Irene Orthodox Mission Center & Orphanage due to flooding in the playgrounds; Kids are unable to play in the field and [...]

By |2020-01-09T16:18:16+03:00May 14th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Flooding in Kenya – Buying Gumboots for the Kids
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