St Irene Orthodox Mission Blog
Săpând la 250 de metri adâncime, în prezența episcopilor, au găsit apă (VIDEO: “Am scăpat de cărăușia cu măgărușii.”)
Ieri, 01 august 2018, la Centrul Misionar Ortodox si Orfelinatul Sfânta Irina au avut loc lucrări ample [...]
Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa was in Kenya on Sunday: Toiag Archdiocese Pointing to Heaven
In the last few days, His Beatitude Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria and All Africa [...]
Patriarhul Alexandriei și al Întregii Africi s-a aflat duminică în Kenya: Toiag Arhieresc îndreptat spre cer
În ultimele zile, Preafericitul Părinte Patriarh Teodor al II-lea al Alexandriei și al Întregii Africi [...]
Borehole Drilling a Dream Come True
Borehole Drilling a Dream Come True Borehole at St Irene Orthodox Mission Center and Orphanage. [...]
Celebrating the name day of Saints Constantine and Helen!
Today is Constantine's and Hellen's Name Day May 21st is the name day of Saint Constantine and [...]
Flooding in Kenya – Buying Gumboots for the Kids
Flooding in Kenya - Situation at the Mission Center As of 10th May, 2018, Floods [...]
Thank You Mum
THANK YOU MUM For being my pillar of strength For the countless bedtime stories For [...]
The Sacrament of Holy Baptism in the Orthodox Christian Church
The purpose of Holy Baptism To remove the consequences of the 'original sin'. To wash [...]
Helping Children in Need
St Irene Orthodox Mission Center & Orphanage empowers orphans and vulnerable children, their families, and [...]
Marking Good Friday with Epitah Procession
Anyone with kids knows that Holy Week can be a challenging yet extremely rich experience! [...]
Orthodox Good Friday
Millions of Orthodox Christians commemorate Good Friday, also known as “Great Friday” to remember the [...]
Every Drop Counts
Clean Water is a Challenge in remote areas of Kenya, and only a very [...]